Saturday, March 15, 2008


I find myself unmotivated lately to do, well, anything. I should qualify that last statement. Physically, I've never been fitter. I weighed in at exactly 163 this morning, well below my limit of 170, and even 2 pounds below my initial goal of 165. I am lighter, faster, and have kept my strength at the same level as when I was12-15 pounds heavier. Mentally, I am psyched about getting close to my 6-pack goal. Work is busy enough to keep me occupied but not so overbearing as to require weekend work or late nights at the office. Emotionally, however, I am wiped....

Lately, I've been feeling as though I've been run over by a train. Repeatedly. And then the passengers all get off and step on me. Repeatedly. I could go into reasons why, but I'll save that for my personal blog. Suffice it to say that motivation for life in general has been lacking as of late, and it really sucks. I have been keeping up with the items on my list by a slim margin. I often journal hastily just before bed, or cram three sessions of guitar in on Thursday through Saturday. In fact, the only goal I am able to completely keep up with is my reading, probably because I just don't feel like doing anything else productive.

Sigh. I really don't even want to write this post right now, but I have some time to kill before working out and shopping, so here you go. Hope your day/week/life is going better than mine...

1 comment:

Ivan said...

I envy your quest for physical fitness. I was doing so well with gymnastics and then now that grad school research is beginning to take off I've had to cut that almost all out...


I say take a small break to get you on your feet. Go out and have some fun. Seems like you've been working hard lately, reward yourself and play hard too.