Thursday, May 8, 2008

Two Weeks

Wow. Two Weeks. Two freaking weeks have passed since I last posted. Needless to say, I am again in the middle of a no games week, though I haven't really had any desire to play recently anyway. Not sure if that is good or bad, as it makes the "punishment" much less severe. It might be time to change things up because I am seriously waning in motivation here.

The past two weeks have been... uneventful. I should qualify that by mentioning that things have been happening, but nothing I care to go into on this public blog. Certain aspects of my life seem to be in a constant state of entropy, making the once stable aspects of my life less stable by virtue of the second law of thermodynamics.

Lately, I've debated just completely giving up this list idea. Parts of it have become a tedious chore, while others are already integrated into my life enough to not require constant reminder. I enjoy blogging, but not when it is a weekly requirement whether or not I have anything to say. I enjoy reading, but feel rushed towards the end of the month if I am not far enough in my book, making it more akin to reading textbooks than reading for pleasure. This list was intended to help me integrate things into my life that I thought were lacking or could use improvement. I think it has accomplished that goal to some degree, but lately has felt like a self-induced weight upon my shoulders. Alas, I am not yet to the point of giving up completely, but if anyone has ideas on how I can regain some of the initial momentum I once had for this concept, please feel free to share...

On a more cheerful note, I am starting the motorcycle safety course tonight. Tonight will be lecture only, but Saturday morning I get to go for my first ride. Wish me luck! I am really looking forward to it and, assuming I like it as much as anticipated, will probably be getting a bike within the next month!

That's all for now. I will try to be more proactive in my postings, but I know I've said that before. Maybe I should just let the chaos consume me...

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