Yeah, you heard me. Pansies. We're all a bunch of freaking pansies for not trying out for the show. I thought about posting some excuses (or "reasons") for why I didn't make it, but the bottom line is I didn't go and there is no one else to truly blame but myself. So, in the spirit of the whole reward vs. punishment theme of this blog, I must undergo some serious castigation. This is where you all come in...
I am opening up the comments of this post to everyone for suggestions on physical forms of penance for my sins of cowardice and sloth. Since trying out for American Gladiators would have been a good test of my physical shape and ability, I'd like to focus my impending abuse on the same qualities. Whatever grueling forms of exercise you come up with, I will do this upcoming week. Pull-ups, running, crunches, whatever; name an exercise and the number of reps you think I deserve for chickening out, and I will do it this week. Please try to keep it realistic, a million push-ups is probably not going to happen, but an extra 100+ a day I can accomplish. There is no limit on comments, so please, EVERYONE try to post something.
P.S. Yes, E, you were right and we all suck. Happy? :)
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I have the perfect idea. I always wee these "fitness tests" on some blogs that I read. We should do one of those. It's very similar.
I think there's like... the 300 fitness challenge.
What do you think?
I like the one you sent me. We can try it out on Tuesday at 11 before Tai Chi. Replacing running with jump rope should make it even more brutal, which we deserve... :) could start with short katas 1-10 and then add one to each rep (1-11, 1-12, etc) until you reach 30..and add 500 situps to that in sets of 50 with at least 1 minute jump rope in between. ;)
Per your request:
Tabida style for the following (8 total sets of 20sec 10 sec rest):
-handstand push-ups (cause I know you can)
-medicine ball crunches( pick your pain for weight, but I'll know if your being a pansy about it)
-side to side sit ups done with 1 leg up in the air, rotate sides every other set
-leg lifts (use a medicine ball btwn your feet)
start your set with a 2.5 mi run and finish your set with another 2.5 mi run. If location prohibits running 2.5 miles you can replace with 50 burpees at the beginning and end of the your tabidas sets.
... thats what you get for asking me for punishment. :)
Lame. Can't believe you didn't go, opportunity doesn't always come around twice.
Alright, laddering down.
10 jumps (knees to chest)
10 pike jumps (legs straight in front of you, going for an "L")
10 split jumps (legs to sides)
10 push ups
10 push ups (left hand higher than normal, right hand lower than normal)
10 push ups (right hand higher than normal, left hand lower than normal)
10 diamond push ups
10 leg lifts
10 V crunches (kinda like knees to elbows but legs in "V" position)
10 side crunches (left)
10 supermans (ask orlando)
10 side crunches (right)
10 crunches (knees to elbows)
repeat but decreasing by 1 each time, do as fast as you can.
Conditioning workout from gymnastics.
1. Get in car
2. Drive to Orlando
3. Try out for American Gladiators
Saturday, February 9, 2008
10:00am - 4:00pm
6000 Universal Blvd
Orlando, FL 32819
I agree with Ivan... lame.
I agree with Cory, drive to Orlando.
If not, your punishment should be:
*Get in car
*Drive to Trudy's
*Order a Mexican Martini
*Toast the Year of the Rat and the coolest Rat you know...(that would be me in case you weren't sure)
* Repeat as needed (but, no driving if you repeat too many times - I'm cool and responsible)
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