Monday, February 25, 2008

Tournament Results: Meh...

Well, the tournament did not go as well as I would have liked, but I still had a good time. I ended up placing 4th in Tai Chi forms, against a much larger crowd than last year at least. Ravi and I performed the Xing Yi 2-man set for the upper black belt forms competition, but didn't end up placing at all. There were a LOT of great forms done, so I don't feel too bad about losing out, but it would have been nice to live up to the past performances of Tommy and Dan with the same form.

Sparring was even worse. I lost 2 of 3 matches, and didn't even get close to making the finals. A pretty big disappointment from my 2nd place finish last year, I must admit. I can't even blame the draw, because my opponents, though tough, were not nearly as bad as they could have been (no Paul, Cory, Matt, or Sean). I must give a congrats to Ravi, though, for placing 4th against some very stiff competition. And an even bigger congrats to Elizabeth for getting 1st place in the MEN'S 1st Black Belt division. She completely schooled all the guys in that division. Awesome!

The rest of the weekend was fairly unproductive, but at least enjoyable. I went to some parties, the Black Belt Banquet, and out to eat way too many times. I'll try to download some pics and vids from this weekend and post them up here soon. This week looks to be a tough one. I haven't worked out much the last week due to the weird testing/tournament schedules, and I have been eating complete crap due to all the celebrating and general merry making for the same reasons. I have several pounds to lose, I'm working 2nd shift all week, and I work all weekend. I just want to go back to the beginning of this past weekend...

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